Zurich's 2023
Speed Dating Trailer
Actually, your life is your biggest speed dating. From many years of organising speed dating, we have seen how much of a great exercise it is for the potentially crucial question in your life. And yet there are no limits to achieving great things. That’s why we offer speed dating coaching to help you crack your results. Apply now for your individual coaching seesion: Mailto:speeddating@singleandfriends.net
Speed-Dating / Coaching Events
- Venue: Café Felix, Bellevueplatz 5, 8001 Zürich on Wednesday 06. & 19. April 2023: 18:15
- Ticket price: CHF 65.00, few early birds available
- Ticket link: www.eventfrog.ch/speedd
- Social media access code: “Singleandfriends” for CHF 49.00 (limited)
As an experienced event planner for single events, we understand the importance of finding the right partner. That’s why we offer Speed-Dating and Speed-Dating Coaching to help you improve your chances of finding the perfect match. Our community is outstanding, and we provide a free drink to help you feel at ease.
Speed Dating is a formalized matchmaking process designed to give eligible singles the opportunity to meet a greater number of potential partners in a very short amount of time. The structured interaction of the event is a brilliant exercise in conversation. Men and women rotate to meet each other over a series of short “dates,” usually lasting 7 minutes. At the end of each interval, the organizer signals the participants to move on to the next date.
The event provides a pressure-free environment, and contact information is not exchanged during the initial meeting. This reduces the need to accept or reject a suitor to their face. Instead, we provide a confidential feedback form for match evaluation, communicated within 48 hrs.
Speed dating has several advantages over other venues for meeting people, such as bars, discotheques or aperos. The event is time-efficient, and participants can come alone or in a group. The matching itself happens after the main part of the event, so there is no pressure to select or reject each other in person.
Our event also offers Speed Dating Coaching, which includes Q&A sessions, input on how to optimize speed dating, and practical training advice.
Join our community and invest in the most important decision of your life. Please note that participation is at your own risk and insurance is the sole dutiy of the participants, and we reserve the right to exclude any participant at any time without reason. Our terms, conditions, and disclaimer apply. The minimum age is 18 years, and the place, date, and time are subject to change. Old tickets that had no chance to be used are still valid on this event. Please make your reservation a.s.a.p.

Individual – Coachings (on apointment)
Focus areas (not only) for Woman
Communicate who you are
When you are yourself and display that in a comfortable, confident way, people that like you will be magnetized to who you are. Your greatest strength is you. This is true online and offline.
Qualify people you meet
You can know in minutes if somebody you meet is someone you want to invite into your life.
I will guide you into the joys of communicating effortlessly, being spontaneous, and conveying your authentic self.
Read their mind
I will show you what’s really going on in your opposite’s mind. I will help move you past all your excuses, your fears, and your barriers. Potential partners are not all so complicated, and most of the time they just want to get to know you, too.
Facilitate communication
The way you communicate is decisive, too. I will show you how to become a master of communication.
Become your better self on a steady basis
Everything is in you. To develop that, there are almost no limits.
Focus areas (not only) for men
Cultivate authentic habits and design the lifestyle you want.
Whether that’s more open, or more committed, you create the situation.
Dominate social situations
Learn how to create chemistry no matter the situation, or how out of your league you think your target is.
Change your beliefs
Leave behind the false ideas (belief patterns) you have about yourself, the other gender, and the world so you can lead the life you want.
Inhale the natural art of connection
Building connections with a beautiful, interesting partner add value and interest to your life every day. Develop confident social skills and make fun-flirting a natural part of your personality. Move shyness to playfulness and anxiety to confidence and adventurousness by your authentic self in very social situation.
Access our Group: https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/singleandfriends/